I have been pondering shepherding and leadership lately. As a teacher, it is my job to equip the little ones entrusted to me. I have learned, however, these past few years that being a teacher and a leader is more about shepherding than instructing.
Shepherds set boundaries for their sheep to keep them from harm not to be mean and keep them from fun. In fact I think some of the best Shepherds can probably laugh with their flock and have a good ol time!
Shepherds gently lead their flock away from danger zones. They are firm but gentle not harsh and condemning.
Shepherds work to grow their flock, focusing on building up their gifts and talents not tearing them down.
Two quotes our pastor recently shared with us have really challenged and encouraged me in both my teaching and leadership roles.
“As a leader my responsibility is not only to live each day to fulfill my purpose, but also lead those God has sent me in fulfilling theirs.”
“Your job as a leader isn't to be the smartest person in the room. It's to make everyone else feel THEY are...” Phil Cooke
I am learning as a teacher and a leader my job is more about cultivating the gifts and talents inside each person entrusted to me than forcing my thoughts and opinions.
Friday, December 10, 2010
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Come and Worship
One of my favorite Christmas songs is by Bebo Norman. The words are simple.
"Come and Worship"
We are invited to come. Come into His Holy Presence and worship the King of Kings, Lord of Lords, the Almighty!
"Come and Worship"
We are invited to come. Come into His Holy Presence and worship the King of Kings, Lord of Lords, the Almighty!
Angels from the
Realms of Glory
Wing your flight o'er the Earth
Ye who sang creation's story
Now proclaim the Messiah's birth
Come and Worship
Come and Worship
Come and Worship
Worship Christ the Newborn King
Shepards in the
Fields abiding
Watching o'er the flocks by night
God with man is
Now residing
Yonder shines the infant light
Come and Worship
Come and Worship
Come and Worship
Worship Christ the Newborn King
Come and Worship
Come and Worship
Come and Worship
Worship Christ the Newborn King
Saints before the
Alter bending
Watching long in hope and fear
Suddenly the Lord descending
In His temple shall appear
Come and Worship
Come and Worship
Come and Worship
Worship Christ the Newborn King
Come and Worship
Come and Worship
Come and Worship
Worship Christ...the Newborn King
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Love and Serve
God has been messing up my heart in many ways these past few months.
I thought I loved people well. I don't.
I realized my attitude towards a co-worker was not right. First, the Lord showed me that I needed to stop talking about her when she frustrated me. I was doing good with that...then He showed me that really loving her would be not even having the thoughts of frustration and negativity. So we're doing good with that...then He said, well that's good but now I want you to care about her and her story. WHOA! Ok, I've stopped talking/thinking negatively about her and now I'm supposed to be her friend! Well, as soon as I began to care about her story a release of compassion flooded my heart.
I have found recently that in the most unusual situations I am concerned about someones story. Do they know Jesus? Do they need some hope?
Most recently this occurred while in a restaurant with my family. There was a lady sitting at the table next to me rolling the silverware. I began to wonder about her family, her story, did she have the hope of Jesus? Then I became so overwhelmed as I realized, no matter what her story was, her job was to serve me. She took a job rolling silverware to serve me. I am still getting over that moment of humility.
I have continued to ponder this moment, thinking about how often I am served on a daily basis compared to how often I serve.
The Lord is really sharpening the way I love people and the way I serve people. I am so thankful for His mercy and grace because I need it desperately everyday to love and serve those around me.
I thought I loved people well. I don't.
I realized my attitude towards a co-worker was not right. First, the Lord showed me that I needed to stop talking about her when she frustrated me. I was doing good with that...then He showed me that really loving her would be not even having the thoughts of frustration and negativity. So we're doing good with that...then He said, well that's good but now I want you to care about her and her story. WHOA! Ok, I've stopped talking/thinking negatively about her and now I'm supposed to be her friend! Well, as soon as I began to care about her story a release of compassion flooded my heart.
I have found recently that in the most unusual situations I am concerned about someones story. Do they know Jesus? Do they need some hope?
Most recently this occurred while in a restaurant with my family. There was a lady sitting at the table next to me rolling the silverware. I began to wonder about her family, her story, did she have the hope of Jesus? Then I became so overwhelmed as I realized, no matter what her story was, her job was to serve me. She took a job rolling silverware to serve me. I am still getting over that moment of humility.
I have continued to ponder this moment, thinking about how often I am served on a daily basis compared to how often I serve.
The Lord is really sharpening the way I love people and the way I serve people. I am so thankful for His mercy and grace because I need it desperately everyday to love and serve those around me.
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Several Sundays ago I watched a dear couple I've known for many years walk into church. Their lives and marriage exude holiness and love. I honestly have no idea what areas of the church they serve or what many acts of kindness they have done over the years. While watching them and pondering their legacy God continued to press into me something He's been teaching me lately.
"Holiness is a way of being, not a way of doing"
While holiness does result in doing - my doing does not result in holiness. The holiness of Jesus drew sinner's to their knees. He was perfect and pure and yet the lowliest came to Him in desperation. I want my life to exude this kind of holiness. I want sinner's to be drawn to Jesus in me. This is a great post about the holiness of Jesus http://www.catalystspace.com/content/read/NOV10_article--what_kind_of_holiness_is_this--hirsch/
"Holiness is a way of being, not a way of doing"
While holiness does result in doing - my doing does not result in holiness. The holiness of Jesus drew sinner's to their knees. He was perfect and pure and yet the lowliest came to Him in desperation. I want my life to exude this kind of holiness. I want sinner's to be drawn to Jesus in me. This is a great post about the holiness of Jesus http://www.catalystspace.com/content/read/NOV10_article--what_kind_of_holiness_is_this--hirsch/
Monday, November 22, 2010
Winter seems to be creeping in early this year. I love quiet winter mornings. Soft clouds blanket the sky, threaded with color as the sun quietly rises behind their warmth. It beckons me to slow down, to stop and rest. Winter is a season of rest. Though it is often harsh and barren it is a much needed time of pruning and restoration for the fruit bearing seasons of spring and summer.
Like the earth, our spiritual lives go through seasons. Though winter is often much harsher than the other seasons, it is vital for us to be thriving and fruit bearing for the Kingdom. I was reminded of this, this morning as I enjoyed a quiet early winter morning. Despite the barreness and ugliness that often surrounds winter, I find that I am drawn to the beauty of it. The beauty is not is what is seen, but in the closeness of the Father, tending to the soil of our hearts, restoring, pruning, preparing us for the beautiful Spring. So snuggle up with the Father during your long harsh winters, let Him have His way with you for there is always the promise of spring!
Like the earth, our spiritual lives go through seasons. Though winter is often much harsher than the other seasons, it is vital for us to be thriving and fruit bearing for the Kingdom. I was reminded of this, this morning as I enjoyed a quiet early winter morning. Despite the barreness and ugliness that often surrounds winter, I find that I am drawn to the beauty of it. The beauty is not is what is seen, but in the closeness of the Father, tending to the soil of our hearts, restoring, pruning, preparing us for the beautiful Spring. So snuggle up with the Father during your long harsh winters, let Him have His way with you for there is always the promise of spring!
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Saturday, October 30, 2010
My affinity for Boston began in 1999 on a two day drive by while on a church trip. My heart quickly fell in love with its beauty, history and community feel. (I am a closet history nerd whose secret indulgence often involves the history channel). My heart has not been disappointed today! The beauty of Boston in the fall far surpassed my expectations! I realize how important times like this are for me. I love teaching but it drains every bit of creativity and passion that I have leaving very little to devote to other passions of my heart. Getting away to places that inspire my creativity and passions are so vital! Not to mention good time to enjoy my Father! More to come over the next few days! Enjoy some of my inspirations from today!
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
I went back and listened to and then read the transcript of a great message by Paul Washer. It was on marriage; however I was able to take so much out it concerning ministry! As Bryan and I enter this season of vocational ministry it was such a good word for me!
Excerpts from Paul Washer: “The Glory of God in Marriage”
“We might be running wildly in the ministry doing all that we can possibly because we donot understand grace and we still have a works mentality. We might be running wild in ministry doing all that we can working too much because we fear men. We might berunning wild and working too much because we love to have a reputation of a very tired,worn out servant of God. We may be running too much because we want to build ourown kingdoms. We might be running too much because we don’t understand God’s willnor our place in that will.
The first thing that you must understand is this. God does not need a one of you. Nowthat might make you angry, but that is a very liberating thought to me. If I were to perishbefore I finished in this pulpit, Gods’ kingdom is not going to be halted one bit. Theministry does not depend upon you. You do not have to go out there and save God’swork. You simply have to be obedient. He lists several things through which we might glorify God. And one of them is this. To be content with God’s providence. And I have found that among ministers, very few are content with God’s providence, though they would be if they had a larger ministry. To be content with God’s providence—and I believe that many men in the ministry, their neglect of their wives and their families for the sake of the ministry is simply that they are not content with the place that God has put them.
If you say “I had to put my family on the altar of sacrifice for the sake of the ministry. For the sake of the work of God I had to neglect my family. Couldn’t spend as much time with family as maybe I ought to have spent because I was busy doing the will of God.”You are making a declaration that God’s Word is not true. You are denying the verything that God speaks forth in this passage. God’s will is perfect. That means, dear sir,you do not have to violate one aspect the will of God in order to fulfill another aspect ofthat same will. If in God’s good providence he has given you a wife (or spouse) and that is his will, then his will is perfect and you do not have to neglect that wife (spouse) in order to carry out your vocation. And if you do(neglect your spouse) you are either not understanding God or you are not really working for his kingdom, you are working to build your own.
You see, my dear friends, your approval, God’s approval of you before the throne willnot depend as much on your ministry as you think. I mean ministries are impersonal things. He can get donkeys to talk for him. He gave you a daughter (spouse, child, etc).
You know, if God calls me to be a janitor in Brooklyn and I go to Nigeria and plant 300churches I am out of the will of God.
End of excerpt
I am so easily distracted by doing things for the Kingdom. Yet it is so humbling to be reminded that my ministry is not needed. Yet, it is an honor to be chosen to be a part of it. The greatest commandment He has called us to is to love Him first and love others. If we are neglecting those people He has placed in our lives to love (our spouses, children.) then our ministry is not truly for Him but for our own. We must know His will for our life and stay focused on it. If He has called us to something and we go and do something else no matter how good, noble and for the Kingdom it may be…if it is not His will for our life we are not in His will!
Excerpts from Paul Washer: “The Glory of God in Marriage”
“We might be running wildly in the ministry doing all that we can possibly because we donot understand grace and we still have a works mentality. We might be running wild in ministry doing all that we can working too much because we fear men. We might berunning wild and working too much because we love to have a reputation of a very tired,worn out servant of God. We may be running too much because we want to build ourown kingdoms. We might be running too much because we don’t understand God’s willnor our place in that will.
The first thing that you must understand is this. God does not need a one of you. Nowthat might make you angry, but that is a very liberating thought to me. If I were to perishbefore I finished in this pulpit, Gods’ kingdom is not going to be halted one bit. Theministry does not depend upon you. You do not have to go out there and save God’swork. You simply have to be obedient. He lists several things through which we might glorify God. And one of them is this. To be content with God’s providence. And I have found that among ministers, very few are content with God’s providence, though they would be if they had a larger ministry. To be content with God’s providence—and I believe that many men in the ministry, their neglect of their wives and their families for the sake of the ministry is simply that they are not content with the place that God has put them.
If you say “I had to put my family on the altar of sacrifice for the sake of the ministry. For the sake of the work of God I had to neglect my family. Couldn’t spend as much time with family as maybe I ought to have spent because I was busy doing the will of God.”You are making a declaration that God’s Word is not true. You are denying the verything that God speaks forth in this passage. God’s will is perfect. That means, dear sir,you do not have to violate one aspect the will of God in order to fulfill another aspect ofthat same will. If in God’s good providence he has given you a wife (or spouse) and that is his will, then his will is perfect and you do not have to neglect that wife (spouse) in order to carry out your vocation. And if you do(neglect your spouse) you are either not understanding God or you are not really working for his kingdom, you are working to build your own.
You see, my dear friends, your approval, God’s approval of you before the throne willnot depend as much on your ministry as you think. I mean ministries are impersonal things. He can get donkeys to talk for him. He gave you a daughter (spouse, child, etc).
You know, if God calls me to be a janitor in Brooklyn and I go to Nigeria and plant 300churches I am out of the will of God.
End of excerpt
I am so easily distracted by doing things for the Kingdom. Yet it is so humbling to be reminded that my ministry is not needed. Yet, it is an honor to be chosen to be a part of it. The greatest commandment He has called us to is to love Him first and love others. If we are neglecting those people He has placed in our lives to love (our spouses, children.) then our ministry is not truly for Him but for our own. We must know His will for our life and stay focused on it. If He has called us to something and we go and do something else no matter how good, noble and for the Kingdom it may be…if it is not His will for our life we are not in His will!
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
The Glory of it All
Five letters...grace
a gift to redeem and accept us into the family of God; to conform us into His likeness for all eternity.
The story of God that is unfolding before me has left me awestruck. As I pondered His purpose...His Glory...my heart was overwhelmed as I sat amazed that I had the privilage to be a part of it. I have not and cannot do a single thing to be worthy of this grace that has been lavished upon me...a sinner transformed into a vessel for His Glory.
This was a recent journal entry of mine as I reflected on His purpose...His Glory.
"The Glory of God is the redemptive work (process; not made complete until Heaven) in the life of the believer. It (the Glory of God) is in the life and death of Jesus Christ redeeming us. The purpose of the life of the believer is to reflect and bring Him glory through the redemptive work in our life. My life should reflect His glory if Jesus is truly having His way with me. It will be subtle and subconscience; not of my own effort. I will not even be fully aware of all that He has done through me. I must be as passionate about His glory as He is. My life is to be a museum of His Glory- His beautiful redemptive masterpiece in our life."
I often get overwhelmed wondering if I am doing "enough" for the Kingdom. As I sat with Jesus and shared my heart; He spoke some words gently that He had taught me long ago..."by grace for glory" (thank you matt and april dean). Those words resonate in my heart and set me free knowing every breath I breath is for His glory even in the mundane. He reminded me that He is the one doing the work in and through me. Yes, I must be obedient and submit to the process. However, the fruit that my life will bear will not come from my own effort. A tree does not will itself to bear fruit; it bears fruit because it was created to do so and as long as it is recieving life it will bear life giving fruit! I love this picture! I know I have to be intentional and listen to the leading of the Holy Spirit; but it is so freeing to know that it is not I who is responsible for bearing enough fruit. I am called to be a new creation and allow my life to be a museum for His glory! (John 15)
a gift to redeem and accept us into the family of God; to conform us into His likeness for all eternity.
The story of God that is unfolding before me has left me awestruck. As I pondered His purpose...His Glory...my heart was overwhelmed as I sat amazed that I had the privilage to be a part of it. I have not and cannot do a single thing to be worthy of this grace that has been lavished upon me...a sinner transformed into a vessel for His Glory.
This was a recent journal entry of mine as I reflected on His purpose...His Glory.
"The Glory of God is the redemptive work (process; not made complete until Heaven) in the life of the believer. It (the Glory of God) is in the life and death of Jesus Christ redeeming us. The purpose of the life of the believer is to reflect and bring Him glory through the redemptive work in our life. My life should reflect His glory if Jesus is truly having His way with me. It will be subtle and subconscience; not of my own effort. I will not even be fully aware of all that He has done through me. I must be as passionate about His glory as He is. My life is to be a museum of His Glory- His beautiful redemptive masterpiece in our life."
I often get overwhelmed wondering if I am doing "enough" for the Kingdom. As I sat with Jesus and shared my heart; He spoke some words gently that He had taught me long ago..."by grace for glory" (thank you matt and april dean). Those words resonate in my heart and set me free knowing every breath I breath is for His glory even in the mundane. He reminded me that He is the one doing the work in and through me. Yes, I must be obedient and submit to the process. However, the fruit that my life will bear will not come from my own effort. A tree does not will itself to bear fruit; it bears fruit because it was created to do so and as long as it is recieving life it will bear life giving fruit! I love this picture! I know I have to be intentional and listen to the leading of the Holy Spirit; but it is so freeing to know that it is not I who is responsible for bearing enough fruit. I am called to be a new creation and allow my life to be a museum for His glory! (John 15)
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